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nuffload.cgi and .htacces

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:18 pm
Author: thijsiee
I uploaded 15 minutes ago about and i couldn't send the files

.htacces (all of them)
and the file nuffload.cgi( in /cgi-bin/nuffload.cgi)
And english_part_1.dic (in the folder /spelling/english_part_1.dic)

My question is not how to get them on my host but are those necessary for a good working forum? What does the .htacces and nuffload.cgi files do? Cause if they are only for one mod i could miss them...



Re: nuffload.cgi and .htacces

PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:16 pm
Author: Helter
they are not critical. Nufload is for the album, but unless enabled in the acp, I dont think your album will need it. The htaccess files are not critical, but without them you forum will be less secure. be sure that for every folder that has one, you replace it with a blank index.html. This will keep nosy people from browsing around in your files.
If you dont use the spell check feature, you wont need the .dic files. They are just the words used for spellcheck