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HTML Problem: nowrap doesn't function

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:50 pm
Author: Frost
Does anyone know how to force two images to stay on the same line other than nowrap?

I should probably say that I am using a reflection java.script for some images.

Now to the problem:

Before: [flash=,:32keq943][/flash:32keq943]

The java.script actually waits until all images on the page have loaded before they kick on, so this is what it's supposed to look like...


After: [flash=,:32keq943][/flash:32keq943]

Now, notice it puts the reflection to the side, causing the image to go to the next line. This is really confusing to me because for one, the js only adds another image under the original. And two because the width of this td is to 100%...

Here is the code on the area, unaltered besides the addition of class=reflection

Code: Select all
<table><tr><td><BEGIN><a><img></a><END><BEGIN><a><img></a><END></td><td>  {BANNER_14_IMG}<br>  {PAGINATION}</td></tr></table>

Obviously nowrap should cover this, but that may be only for text. Anyone know of another way?

P.S.: What is hspace=8 in there for? Isn't that an old marquee trick?

Re: HTML Problem: nowrap doesn't function

PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 8:03 am
Author: Helter

Re: HTML Problem: nowrap doesn't function

PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:42 am
Author: Frost
Ok, i removed it as I still don't understand it's purpose :mrgreen: