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Why this place so slow on replys?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:38 pm
Author: D3monik
I have posted a few different things i need a simple answer on and i've waited a good 3-4 days and nothing. Anywayz, wondering about my donators block on forum index, i dont see it. I have a donator and i would like the community to be able to see who that is, im sure there is a way to put up a block of some sort, i tried through importal and see no blocks containing recent donations or the sort.

Also, i seen you can have a top posters block, id like to add that as well and cant seem to locate that in the block configuration through im portal neither.

BTW, i used a paypal html code and created a new block for my donate button.


Re: Why this place so slow on replys?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:02 pm
Author: DjPorkchop
I would say, people are just busy right now. I have been around here for 4 years or so now and have allways within reason got an answer. Sometimes if it has been 5 or 6 days, go ahead and bump your topic.

As for the Top Posters block, if it is not available in the downloads, by all means, PM me and I will gladly let you download it from my website. As for the paypal deal, Im not so sure about that as I have never personally used it. I wish I did have an answer for you on that one. I kind of would like it to work as well.

Re: Why this place so slow on replys?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:28 pm
Author: D3monik
Thank you Sir, still looking on how to make recent donars show up on the forum looking to do something along the lines of whats been done at, doesnt quit have to be the same setup but something showing a list of donors in some kind of block would be sweet <img>


Re: Why this place so slow on replys?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:53 pm
Author: DjPorkchop
Yes I do agree. I recall something some time back that was about the donation mod. It was a hot topic there for a short bit. I would do a detailed search in the mean time about it. And you may check the archive as well. Link to it is on the left as well.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:32 pm
Author: D3monik
No one knows how to make recent donors show up like they have set up here at


Re: Why this place so slow on replys?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:28 pm
Author: Helter
delete your cache in acp/IM Portal/Delete Cache Files

Re: Why this place so slow on replys?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:39 am
Author: .QUACK.Major.Pain
I have the recent donations block workig on all my sites.

There is a problem with the security. When someone makes a donation, it goes through paypal.
Your site needs to receive the IPN (comformation of payment) from paypal.
When it comes from paypal, your site bans paypals IP because it sets of the DDos pretection security.
Therefore who receive no IPN and no record of donation reaches your sites database.

Nobody came up with a proper fix, but I was able to get it to work.


Go to ACP>User Admin>Ban Control - you should see a banned ip which is the paypal ip. Delete it and clear the banlists.

Next go to ACP>Security>Special - Set 'DDoS Protection Level:' to LOW - Save it.

Now when you do a donation, you will receive the IPN log and donations will appear in the recent donations block.
Be patient, it can take a bit of time for it to appear, but it will come.
You can see on our site: that we have it working.

NOTE: I don't know how vulnerable having DDoS set to low will be on your site. Someone wiser can update us on that.

Maybe Helter can put the instructions somewhere as a tutorial or something for others to use as a fix.

Re: Why this place so slow on replys?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:43 pm
Author: DjPorkchop
So basically we need to setup a donation block that is NOT Integramod related. The only block I find shows up and says New Donations. I do not find anything that one would click on site to donate.

And then from paypal we would need to return them back to our website to a thank you page or something?? I never used this before and now I have a need for it. can someone show me how to set this all up and use it? I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

Re: Why this place so slow on replys?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:23 pm
Author: .QUACK.Major.Pain
Actually the new donations block has a link at the bottom that says "Make A Donation"
Also in the left menu, there is a donate link.

On my site,
I added 2 "Donate" buttons that redirect you to the donation page.
It's more visable and more likely for users to use.

Re: Why this place so slow on replys?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:50 pm
Author: DjPorkchop
Well, I guess that would explain it then :oops: Yeah I just made a donation block with a paypal button in it. My question I guess is now, Do I just link that paypal button to my Donation page on my site so it will use all the Integramod stuff in the ACP?

And has anyone ever found a better way of allowing the paypal IP rather then lowering the Ddos attack setting?

Re: Why this place so slow on replys?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 4:47 am
Author: .QUACK.Major.Pain
There is a "Make A Donation" link at the bottom of that block. I had problems with it appearing too.
Seems to come and go at first, but once I had 10 donations appearing in the block, it seems to stay.

Without lowering the DDOS level, you will still receive your donations, but you won't receive a record of it, and then the donation block becomes useless.
If your not worried about showing previous donations, then leave the setting as is.

You could also go to paypal, and create your own donation button.
We use this for draws on our site. We create "Buy Tickets Now" buttons.

Only downfall to the above two methods, is that you only get an email address of the donator and not any record of the users name.

Re: Why this place so slow on replys?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:25 am
Author: DjPorkchop
basically that's what I have done. I went to paypal and created a button and am not real worried about the donations block now. I would prefer not to lower my Ddos protection level. <img>

Re: Why this place so slow on replys?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 4:19 pm
Author: .QUACK.Major.Pain
Yea - whatever works and brings in the funds. LOL