Hi Guys
I came accross this new mod thats been released that checks Rapidshare.com Links that are posted on your forum.
I have not installed this yet on my Integramod 141 board yet as I am DJ'ing tonight.
thought I would post it here in case any of you are interested & wanna try & see if it works on integramod 141 before I try, when I get back.
If you do try let us know if it works, if not can it be edited to work on integramod 141
PHPBB2 Version
The whole .script, is configured via the admin panel, so you dont ned to ftp into your .script and change any details.
Give Your Bot a Username To Be Displayed in its Comments and Post Replies and Pm's
Enter The Percentage of Dead Links Before The Script is classed as Dead and Moved to the Bin Forum
Enter The ForumID of Your Bin Forum
Customise The Message and Topic TitleThe Bot Replies with When it finds a post with dead links in it. (You can also use (BOT_PERCENT) to have the .script post the percentage set in his reply)
Customise The Private Message and the PM Title The Bot Sends to the user when dead link are found and thread is moved. (You can also use (BOT_PERCENT) AND (EDIT_URL) to give the user the edit link to his post, if they wish to edit their links)
When a user submits their rapidshare links, the links are added to a database, which is checked via a cron .script, which ive set at every 40mins.
When the .script checks the links, it will then post a comment underneath the thread stating when it checked them and the percentage of dead links in the post, it will also give a visual representation of the validitity of the links as seen in the screnshot.
Also if you roll the mouse over the links it will give the exatc time in minutes from when it was last checked (e.g Links were checked 21 minutes ago)
If The .script finds more than the set percentage of dead links it will automatically move the thread to te Bin forum setup in Admin Panel, it will also reply to the Thread informing the user the reason why it was moved etc
If tHE .script does find the set amount of dead links, it will automatically PM the Poster leting them know instantly, it wil also provide a link for the poster to edit there links if they wish to, once the links are edited they can report it to a Mod to reinstate the thread.
The Message displayed within The Private Message, is setup via the Admin Panel
PHPBB3 version
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