[Solved] Birthday and Calender

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[Solved] Birthday and Calender

PostAuthor: nGAGE » Thu Mar 30, 2006 2:31 am

At the moment all the members that register and enter their date of birth, as it should, are all added to the calender... BUT :?
For example:
My birth day is 30th September... which i entered in my profile... but on the calender it will show: Happy Birthday nGAGE on the 29th of September. <img>

I'll still search old IntegraMod site but maybe a known thing that might be worth mentioning here as well.
Last edited by nGAGE on Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostAuthor: Eon » Thu Mar 30, 2006 7:44 am

Yeah I don't think they actually found a fix for this because it had to do with the way it was coded. One part used dates and the other date code or something and they weren't exactly compatible cause it made the date be like midnight so it was the day before.

Their was a fix for some people depending on your timezone. If your board and you can be on the same time I think it helps it or if your time is + gmt, but if you are -gmt from the board time then it messes up.
Last edited by Eon on Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Birthday and Calender

PostAuthor: nGAGE » Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:06 am

Got it fixed! Actually it was the TimeZone thing <img>
Informed the other members to make sure they got it all set correctly.

Hmmm I actually thought it is not a bug anymore! Thought It's just a mistake by users not setting their timezone correctly. As soon as I set mine correctly and checked that the timezone in the server settings is also correct it actually worked fine.

I'm actually in the same time zone as the server and since the server automatically knows that he's running in Daylight savingstime, I simply needed to set my timezone also to 1+ (which is correct) and then check the daylight savings (which we have). Suddenly all the dates show perfectly fine.

But who knows... maybe it's just a co-incident with those hours, as most of our members will be in the same time zone, or one hour behind on us.

I'll let you know if I find incorrect ones again!
Last edited by nGAGE on Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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