Author: binh.tang » Sat Jun 07, 2008 2:19 am
Thanks for your reply but I'm currently using the "phpBB SEO keyword URLs" mod to rewrite the URL's already.
The problem I can see with the php-seo mods is that it's a different URL rewrite so I'm thinking it's going to mess up my current URL's which have already been rewritten using the "phpBB SEO keyword URLs" mod. Is that right?
I found an AWESOME URL mod rewrite (seems to be just be a combination of a whole lot of other phpBB SEO URL rewrites) is called "keyword-urls-mod". I have installed this for my IntegraMOD 1.40 and it works fine. It even works for pafileDB.
The MOD I'm using for the pafileDB is as follows] ##-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------# pafiledb/includes/functions_pafiledb.php ##-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------# $cat_sub .= '<a>' . $cat_row['cat_name'] . '</a>, '; ##-----[ REPLACE, WITH ]------------------------------------------# $cat_sub .= '<a>' . $cat_row['cat_name'] . '</a>, '; ##-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------# $cat_sub .= '<a>' . $sub_cat_row['cat_name'] . '</a>, '; ##-----[ REPLACE, WITH ]------------------------------------------# $cat_sub .= '<a>' . $sub_cat_row['cat_name'] . '</a>, '; ##-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------# 'U_VIEW_CAT' => append_sid( pa_this_mxurl( 'action=category&cat_id=' . $parent_cat_id ) ) ) ##-----[ REPLACE, WITH ]------------------------------------------# 'U_VIEW_CAT' => append_sid('dload.php?action=category&cat_id=' . $parent_cat_id)) ##-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------# 'U_VIEW_CAT' => append_sid( pa_this_mxurl( 'action=category&cat_id=' . $this->cat_rowset[$cat_id]['cat_id'] ) ) ) ##-----[ REPLACE, WITH ]------------------------------------------# 'U_VIEW_CAT' => append_sid('dload.php?action=category&cat_id=' . $this->cat_rowset[$cat_id]['cat_id'])) ##-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------# $last_file .= '<a>' . $last_file_name . '</a> '; $last_file .= '<a><img></a>'; ##-----[ REPLACE, WITH ]------------------------------------------# $last_file .= '<a>' . $last_file_name . '</a> '; $last_file .= '<a><img></a>'; ##-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------# 'U_CAT' => append_sid( pa_this_mxurl( 'action=category&cat_id=' . $subcat_id ) ), ##-----[ REPLACE, WITH ]------------------------------------------# 'U_CAT' => append_sid('dload.php?action=category&cat_id=' . $subcat_id), ##-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------# 'U_CAT' => append_sid( pa_this_mxurl( 'action=category&cat_id=' . $subcat_id ) ), ##-----[ REPLACE, WITH ]------------------------------------------# 'U_CAT' => append_sid('dload.php?action=category&cat_id=' . $subcat_id), ##-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------# $last_file .= '<a>' . $last_file_name . '</a> '; $last_file .= '<a><img></a>'; ##-----[ REPLACE, WITH ]------------------------------------------# $last_file .= '<a>' . $last_file_name . '</a> '; $last_file .= '<a><img></a>'; ##-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------# 'U_CAT' => append_sid( pa_this_mxurl( 'action=category&cat_id=' . $sub_cat_rowset[$k]['cat_id'] ) ), ##-----[ REPLACE, WITH ]------------------------------------------# 'U_CAT' => append_sid('dload.php?action=category&cat_id=' . $sub_cat_rowset[$k]['cat_id']), ##-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------# $last_file .= '<a>' . $last_file_name . '</a> '; $last_file .= '<a><img></a>'; ##-----[ REPLACE, WITH ]------------------------------------------# $last_file .= '<a>' . $last_file_name . '</a> '; $last_file .= '<a><img></a>'; ##-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------# 'U_CAT' => append_sid( pa_this_mxurl( 'action=quickdl&cat_id=' . $subcat_id . $map_xtra ) ), ##-----[ REPLACE, WITH ]------------------------------------------# 'U_CAT' => append_sid('dload.php?action=category&cat_id=' . $subcat_id), ##-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------# 'U_CAT' => append_sid( pa_this_mxurl( 'action=category&cat_id=' . $subcat_id ) ), ##-----[ REPLACE, WITH ]------------------------------------------# 'U_CAT' => append_sid('dload.php?action=category&cat_id=' . $subcat_id), ##-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------# $last_file .= '<a>' . $last_file_name . '</a> '; $last_file .= '<a><img></a>'; ##-----[ REPLACE, WITH ]------------------------------------------# $last_file .= '<a>' . $last_file_name . '</a> '; $last_file .= '<a><img></a>'; ##-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------# 'U_CAT' => append_sid( pa_this_mxurl( 'action=category&cat_id=' . $sub_cat_rowset[$k]['cat_id'] ) ), ##-----[ REPLACE, WITH ]------------------------------------------# 'U_CAT' => append_sid('dload.php?action=category&cat_id=' . $sub_cat_rowset[$k]['cat_id']), ##-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------# $cat_url = append_sid( pa_this_mxurl( 'action=category&cat_id=' . $file_rowset[$i]['file_catid'] ) ); ##-----[ REPLACE, WITH ]------------------------------------------# $cat_url = append_sid('dload.'.$phpEx.'?action=category&cat_id=' . $file_rowset[$i]['file_catid']); ##-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------# 'U_FILE' => append_sid( pa_this_mxurl( 'action=file&file_id=' . $file_rowset[$i]['file_id'] ) ) ) ##-----[ REPLACE, WITH ]------------------------------------------# 'U_FILE' => append_sid('dload.'.$phpEx.'?action=file&file_id=' . $file_rowset[$i]['file_id'])) ##-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------# $cat_url = append_sid( pa_this_mxurl( 'action=category&cat_id=' . $file_rowset[$i]['file_catid'] ) ); ##-----[ REPLACE, WITH ]------------------------------------------# $cat_url = append_sid('dload.'.$phpEx.'?action=category&cat_id=' . $file_rowset[$i]['file_catid']); ##-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------# 'U_FILE' => append_sid( pa_this_mxurl( 'action=download&file_id=' . $file_rowset[$i]['file_id'], true ) ) ) ##-----[ REPLACE, WITH ]------------------------------------------# 'U_FILE' => append_sid('dload.'.$phpEx.'?action=file&file_id=' . $file_rowset[$i]['file_id'])) [/code]
I don't see anywhere there that mentions the a TITLE rewrite though. Perhaps someone can suggest something? That would be better as I think using another URL Rewrite MOD is going to mess all the pages Google and Yahoo has already crawled as well as links within my site.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Last edited by binh.tang on Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.