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Recaptcha an option for bot attacks?

Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:21 pm
Author: rpadilla
Like many of you, I'm experiencing the attacks from bots these days. I can't remember how many IP addresses I have blocked so far. It is a tedious job since you could be blocking some of your users if you don't trace the IPs but thats the small print of being "Admin". I was wondering, is recaptcha an option to stop them? Can it be implemented into IM 141? I know there's a mod for phpbb 2 but I wonder how extensive the adaptation to IM would be since I'm not versed in coding, editing, etc.
Re: Recaptcha an option for bot attacks?

Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:51 pm
Author: Helter
although google swears recaptcha is secure, it is not. In December of this year one of the primary spambot engines cracked it and im sure that by now all of them have the ability. A better solution is a question/answer replacement for captcha. Teelk is currently modifying and porting to IntegraMOD141 an anti spam mod. I believe this version of the mod utilizes the vast ip and registration email collection of to give webmasters better options on how to deal with these nuisances.
Re: Recaptcha an option for bot attacks?

Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:52 am
Author: rpadilla
Thanks for the reply, I look foward for the mod!
Re: Recaptcha an option for bot attacks?

Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:29 pm
Author: DjPorkchop
Hello Ramon and Helter. This mod will be more than welcome to many folks that I help out with on their websites.
I personally run a site that has nothing to do with phpBB and it uses Recaptcha and I have never had an issue yet. With registration or my contact form. Now never is an awful long time and notice I used the word Yet...... it stands for Your Elegible Too
I am sure sooner or later I will be hit.