I just looked today and I have already gotten 4 visits from people who typed in "Powered by PHPBB" in the search engines already this month.
This tells me that we need to think of some legal way to alter this because as far as I can tell, the only reason somebody would want to type that particular search phrase in is if they were planning on trying to hack your site. I've had 4 visits from that query, and my PHPBB Security has tagged 2 exploit attempts in the last 5 days from IP addresses that are not local (as 99% of my members are all from Iowa since we are a local site).
Does anyone know of any legal ways to change this? I was thinking something like this:
P.o.w.e.r.e.d. B.y. P.H.P.B.B.
P/H/P/B/B F.o.r.u.m. S.o.f.t.w.a.r.e
Or something along those lines. Has anyone done this? I just don't want to get in trouble by PHPBB but having the forum software and more importantly, the version number available on the footer is bad news.