I need to change the Board Founder
"I" am currently the board founder --- but, I'm handing the forum over to one of the other admins... and I need his account to be "board founder" and my account to be just a regular member.
I found the editing script here --- what files to go to and what to change... It's my understanding I basically need to go to the right file in the database and change the user_id from mine to his.
When I get to that file and find the spot to change the user_id number, I cannot just type and change it.
It's been way too long since I messed with any of this - and I'm very very much a newb... extremely limited knowledge about phpBB, html, etc....
How do I edit the file?
Can someone give me some steps? ....I have notepad... and I can copy the info from that file to notepad and make the change... but, how do I get the changed info saved to the database?
(I know this is a realllllly stupid/basic question.... so thanks in advance for your patience.... if it matters - it's phpBB 2.0.23 / IntegraMod 141)