Moderator: Integra Moderator
I am running this in a subdirectory on a database copy until I am comfortable with the big move. The test board is now non-functional. If I delete the install directory, it still searches for the install.php file.Warning: main(./includes/lite.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /xxxx/xxxxxxx/public_html/test/includes/functions_portal.php on line 32
Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening './includes/lite.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /xxxx/xxxxxxx/public_html/test/includes/functions_portal.php on line 32
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: cache_lite in /xxxx/xxxxxxx/public_html/test/includes/functions_portal.php on line 37
"Dr. Bantham";p="20000" wrote:If it sounds too easy...I am running this in a subdirectory on a database copy until I am comfortable with the big move. The test board is now non-functional. If I delete the install directory, it still searches for the install.php file.Warning: main(./includes/lite.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /xxxx/xxxxxxx/public_html/test/includes/functions_portal.php on line 32
Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening './includes/lite.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /xxxx/xxxxxxx/public_html/test/includes/functions_portal.php on line 32
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: cache_lite in /xxxx/xxxxxxx/public_html/test/includes/functions_portal.php on line 37
I tried this. It appears to process the .script, but presented a multitude of errors when it displayed the portal page thereafter. I assume this is due to the edit to functions_portal.php, however. The problem is that once I delete the install directory and start the board up, the URL prefills with the install .script again, as if it is not acknowledging that the .script had been executed. Is there a variable that requires switching to signify a completed installation? Of course, if this is the case it implies that my installation was not complete."Teelk";p="20112" wrote:Why some people are having problems and others aren't is baffling. I had the functions_portal.php error but fixed it, now it seems that only some are getting it, but really, everyone should be getting it if it's still there. You can try the solution in the thread posted by a_lunatic, it should work but I can't test it as I can't get that error on my test boards.
How did you get the install.php from trying to perpetually run, even after the folder was deleted?"a_lunatic";p="20188" wrote:I got this working with the updated download now & i am using the dark green theme & it messed with the look of the top of page abit & it was pointing to integra2 images for the down arrows on the nav bar
I tried this to no avail. I have removed the mod for now, as I can not get the install .script to perform correctly and the board becomes inoperable due to the new files not being compatible."a_lunatic";p="20232" wrote:I just uploaded all files & run the uninstall before rerunning the install again as the uninstall wouldn't work on old files
Sorry MWE_001, I also forgot to include the file templates/Integra2/Integra2.cfg in the premodded package. Find the edits for this file in the manual install, it's just one edit if I recall. I also suggest that if you have any other themes installed that you use the file edits from the manual install rather then the premodded Integra2 files, they may be different from the theme you're using."MWE_001";p="20258" wrote:Where do i locate the code to fix the images that are missing in ACGM? I knwo they are little blue arrows, but Im not sure where to go to fix the code. as of right now the directory path stops at my root Directory.
I'll work on an alternative method to install the db stuff."Dr. Bantham";p="20263" wrote:I tried this to no avail. I have removed the mod for now, as I can not get the install ..script to perform correctly and the board becomes inoperable due to the new files not being compatible."a_lunatic";p="20232" wrote:I just uploaded all files & run the uninstall before rerunning the install again as the uninstall wouldn't work on old files
"Teelk";p="20331" wrote:Sorry MWE_001, I also forgot to include the file templates/Integra2/Integra2.cfg in the premodded package. Find the edits for this file in the manual install, it's just one edit if I recall. I also suggest that if you have any other themes installed that you use the file edits from the manual install rather then the premodded Integra2 files, they may be different from the theme you're using."MWE_001";p="20258" wrote:Where do i locate the code to fix the images that are missing in ACGM? I knwo they are little blue arrows, but Im not sure where to go to fix the code. as of right now the directory path stops at my root Directory.I'll work on an alternative method to install the db stuff."Dr. Bantham";p="20263" wrote:I tried this to no avail. I have removed the mod for now, as I can not get the install ..script to perform correctly and the board becomes inoperable due to the new files not being compatible."a_lunatic";p="20232" wrote:I just uploaded all files & run the uninstall before rerunning the install again as the uninstall wouldn't work on old files
"a_lunatic";p="21865" wrote:hmm has teelk gone on holidays ?
does any1 know what could be causing this mod to not work fully as all the user names are the same color & everything else seems be working
Okay I sort of got this working I'm having a problem though Teelk. The problem I'm running into is that the sql entires aren't working when I input the color codes. For some reason it doesn't save the color codes when I edit. I had to manually insert the color codes in the data base and then enter them in the ACP. The problem is now that for some reason one of my members is Red which he shouldn't be because there Red is for the Admins, the other users colors aren't showing up right and some colors aren't showing at all
"Pogue Moran";p="22712" wrote:Teelk my problem is this only seems to be working in the Integra2 theme. I've tried doing the edits in other themes and the colors just dont show up
"Whisky";p="22729" wrote:"Pogue Moran";p="22712" wrote:Teelk my problem is this only seems to be working in the Integra2 theme. I've tried doing the edits in other themes and the colors just dont show up
you obviously forgot something <img>
I assume you adapted the code in all your template files, if so, the problem could be related to the color codes you assigned to your new template.
In the ACP, when you go in groups, colors, the fist screen asks you to choose between a specific theme to edit, or all of them at the time.
Are you sure you set the colors for your new theme specifically?
"a_lunatic";p="22414" wrote:Also if u click on links in the legend when not logged in you can see all members names so is their away to make it so you have to be logged in to see members names.
$s_group_names .= ( empty($s_group_names) ? '' : ', ' ) . sprintf("'%s'", str_replace("'", "'", $agcm_color->get_user_color($data['user_group_id'][$j], $data['group_name'][$j])));
$s_group_names .= ( empty($s_group_names) ? '' : ', ' ) . sprintf("'%s'", str_replace("'", "'", $agcm_color->get_user_color($data['group_id'][$j], 0, $data['group_name'][$j])));
"sgomes";p="23827" wrote:There seems to be a bug regarding group moderators, where they show up as "username_color" instead of with the correct group name. To view this, just assign to any group the moderation of a forum and view that forum.
After banging my head for a while (I don't know any PHP) I was able to find and fix the problem. Just go to includes/functions_categories_hierarchy.php and replace
- Code: Select all
$s_group_names .= ( empty($s_group_names) ? '' : ', ' ) . sprintf("'%s'", str_replace("'", "'", $agcm_color->get_user_color($data['user_group_id'][$j], $data['group_name'][$j])));
- Code: Select all
$s_group_names .= ( empty($s_group_names) ? '' : ', ' ) . sprintf("'%s'", str_replace("'", "'", $agcm_color->get_user_color($data['group_id'][$j], 0, $data['group_name'][$j])));
on line 425.
I hope this is useful to someone!
SÃÂÂ ©rgio Gomes
$agcm_color->get_user_color($data['group_id'][$j], 0, $data['group_name'][$j])
$agcm_color->get_user_color($data['group_id'][$j], $data['user_group_id'][$j], $data['group_name'][$j])
##-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------# $s_group_names .= ( empty($s_group_names) ? '' : ', ' ) . sprintf("'%s'", str_replace("'", "'", $agcm_color->get_user_color($data['user_group_id'][$j], $data['group_name'][$j]))); ##-----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------# $s_group_names .= ( empty($s_group_names) ? '' : ', ' ) . sprintf("'%s'", str_replace("'", "'", $agcm_color->get_user_color($data['group_id'][$j], $data['user_group_id'][$j], $data['group_name'][$j])));
$s_group_names .= ( empty($s_group_names) ? '' : ', ' ) . sprintf("'%s'", str_replace("'", "'", $agcm_color->get_user_color($data['user_group_id'][$j], $data['group_name'][$j])));
$agcm_color->get_user_color($data['user_group_id'][$j], $data['group_name'][$j])
$agcm_color->get_user_color($data['group_id'][$j], 0, $data['group_name'][$j])
$agcm_color->get_user_color($data['group_id'][$j], $data['user_group_id'][$j], $data['group_name'][$j])
The name of the group is generated by the MOD, so all you'll get without modded theme files is part of the CSS class. I don't know exactly what's happening, but it sounds like a class conflict in the CSS somewhere. Did you MOD the files manually or use the premodded files for the cs style? Those are Integra2 files and may not be compatible with the cs style, any themes other then Integra2 should be manually edited."nGAGE";p="26214" wrote:Nice that you got it sorted shentrax. It's a lot of reading here and can get quite confusing, I'm sure. This whole mod (don't know why) got me thinking even now that it seems to work for me.
Why would the mod offer the "move up / move down" arrows in the ACP, if the order doesn't seem to have effect on what is default to a user anyhow?!
Now I'm not sure if it was intended to work the way I'll suggest in a moment, but I'm gonna add it to a list of my "TO-DOs".
It would be a lot better if the mod, when a user is added to a group, automatically applies the "highest ranked color" specified in the ACP's order of ranking of the colors, so it not only defines the order in the "Legend", but also by default picks a user color based on the highest positioned group. This will definitely stop people from thinking it's not working and prevent a lot of questions from the users, I'd say.
Perhaps the code is already in place to work like that, but there's a little typo somewhere, but if not... I'll see if I can add that tiny bit of extra code to automatically update the user's default color, based on the group's color ranking.
Hope I explained it correctly and hope I'll be able to come up with a proper update on this for those that are interested![]()
Any help available please?
$agcm_color->get_user_color($data['group_id'][$j], $data['user_group_id'][$j], $data['group_name'][$j])
Warning]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/73af830798c8cd8cc7f2d911343589d3/web/forum/includes/functions_portal.php on line 32 Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening './includes/lite.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/php/lib/php') in /home/www/73af830798c8cd8cc7f2d911343589d3/web/forum/includes/functions_portal.php on line 32 Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: cache_lite in /home/www/73af830798c8cd8cc7f2d911343589d3/web/forum/includes/functions_portal.php on line 37
"TheJT";p="29474" wrote:i have this problem with too that the moderators in the different forums are only shown as "username_color_"
this fix with
- Code: Select all
$agcm_color->get_user_color($data['group_id'][$j], $data['user_group_id'][$j], $data['group_name'][$j])
didnt work for me. please help! its really annoying
Yes, i am also very much interested to use Advanced Group Color Management in the shoutbox."MWE_001";p="29998" wrote:Did anyone ever find the fix for shout box? Im not sure if I'll use shout box or remove it but just in case I would like to fix it.
"HelterSkelter";p="30879" wrote:I dont know that much about this mod, but I do know that if properly installed, users only have the choices of the groups they belong too.
"sgomes";p="23827" wrote:There seems to be a bug regarding group moderators, where they show up as "username_color" instead of with the correct group name. To view this, just assign to any group the moderation of a forum and view that forum.
"swiftakias";p="33564" wrote:The legend at the bottom keeps displaying member groups in the old way and doesn't show the new group I created. Although colors can be changed even for the group it is not displayed. I have selected all my 5 groups to be displayed from Group Admin -> Colors, but still no luck. any ideas?
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