Blank Page Template Mod For PCP

MOD Title: Blank Template MOD
MOD De.scription: A system for adding pages to your phpBB that uses sessions as well. No longer do we have to have standalone mods. We can now easily integrate them into our Integramod websites.
MOD Version: 1.0.3
MOD Download: Blank Template Mod
Last Stable version: 1.03
Demo Board: None Available yet
Demo Username: n/a
Demo Password: n/a
Download: [url=http]Test Site Download location[/url]
Please note: due to recent abuse on the website, I have made it required to register to download so I can keep track of who is on site and who is not. My apologies. In the near future, I plan to make it available to all without registration.
psychowolfman: For creating the original system for phpBB2.
MWE_001 AKA DjPorkchop: For integrating to Integramod for easy install and use.
Current Features: NO ACP Control
In the Works: ACP Control
Note: I will have a demo page of this up on the test site that the file is located at soon.
Upgrade: There is the regular version of this mod for standard phpBB and as well, I have included
an upgrade to use with Integramod 1.4.0 and 1.4.1. Im not so sure this will work with
other version of PCP as Integramods is a different version then the others...So I have been told.
I lay no claim to the mod. It is NOT mine! I have only made it work with Integramod 1.4.0 as well as the latest release.
## MOD Title: Blank Template MOD
## MOD Author: psychowolfman <admin> (Brent Upton) N/A
## Modified for integramod use by MWE_001 (Please contact mod author for support).
## This is not my mod. I do not lay any ownership to it at all.
## MOD De.scription: An easy way to add a blank page to your forum that uses session ## management
## MOD Version: 1.0.2
## Installation Level: (Easy)
## Installation Time: 5 Minutes
## Files To Edit: includes/page_header.php
## profilcp/def/def_userfuncs_viewonline.php
## admin/index.php
## admin/modules/index.php
## language/lang_english/lang_main.php
## includes/constants.php
## Included Files: templates/subsilver/template.tpl
## template.php
## For Security Purposes, Please Check: for the
## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code
## to enter into your phpBB Forum. As such, phpBB will not offer support for MOD's not offered
## in our MOD-Database, located at:
## Author Notes: Wherever you see TEMPLATE or Template or template, replace with whatever you
## want to call your new page. Add a link to the page if you want to in your overall header.
## TO DO: Add a page in ACP to add/edit/remove new pages automatically. I have no clue how this
## would be done, so if someone that actually KNOWS php and the phpbb standard coding practices
## wants to take this and run, that would be stellar cool.
## MOD History:
## 2003-10-06 - Version 1.0.0 MOD Submitted and denied based on improper syntax
## 2003-10-09 - Version 1.0.1 Syntax corrected
## 2008-01-09 - Fixed install to work with PCP adon (MWE_001)
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD
I can not stress enough how great of a mod this is for use on our Integramod boards. Works very well with ImPortal as well with a couple changes to the install.
With this mod, You can take a stand alone mod and make it work within your phpbb and it uses sessions and your current template in use instead of being a standalone page.
MOD De.scription: A system for adding pages to your phpBB that uses sessions as well. No longer do we have to have standalone mods. We can now easily integrate them into our Integramod websites.
MOD Version: 1.0.3
MOD Download: Blank Template Mod
Last Stable version: 1.03
Demo Board: None Available yet
Demo Username: n/a
Demo Password: n/a
Download: [url=http]Test Site Download location[/url]
Please note: due to recent abuse on the website, I have made it required to register to download so I can keep track of who is on site and who is not. My apologies. In the near future, I plan to make it available to all without registration.
psychowolfman: For creating the original system for phpBB2.
MWE_001 AKA DjPorkchop: For integrating to Integramod for easy install and use.
Current Features: NO ACP Control
In the Works: ACP Control
Note: I will have a demo page of this up on the test site that the file is located at soon.
Upgrade: There is the regular version of this mod for standard phpBB and as well, I have included
an upgrade to use with Integramod 1.4.0 and 1.4.1. Im not so sure this will work with
other version of PCP as Integramods is a different version then the others...So I have been told.
I lay no claim to the mod. It is NOT mine! I have only made it work with Integramod 1.4.0 as well as the latest release.
## MOD Title: Blank Template MOD
## MOD Author: psychowolfman <admin> (Brent Upton) N/A
## Modified for integramod use by MWE_001 (Please contact mod author for support).
## This is not my mod. I do not lay any ownership to it at all.
## MOD De.scription: An easy way to add a blank page to your forum that uses session ## management
## MOD Version: 1.0.2
## Installation Level: (Easy)
## Installation Time: 5 Minutes
## Files To Edit: includes/page_header.php
## profilcp/def/def_userfuncs_viewonline.php
## admin/index.php
## admin/modules/index.php
## language/lang_english/lang_main.php
## includes/constants.php
## Included Files: templates/subsilver/template.tpl
## template.php
## For Security Purposes, Please Check: for the
## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code
## to enter into your phpBB Forum. As such, phpBB will not offer support for MOD's not offered
## in our MOD-Database, located at:
## Author Notes: Wherever you see TEMPLATE or Template or template, replace with whatever you
## want to call your new page. Add a link to the page if you want to in your overall header.
## TO DO: Add a page in ACP to add/edit/remove new pages automatically. I have no clue how this
## would be done, so if someone that actually KNOWS php and the phpbb standard coding practices
## wants to take this and run, that would be stellar cool.
## MOD History:
## 2003-10-06 - Version 1.0.0 MOD Submitted and denied based on improper syntax
## 2003-10-09 - Version 1.0.1 Syntax corrected
## 2008-01-09 - Fixed install to work with PCP adon (MWE_001)
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD
I can not stress enough how great of a mod this is for use on our Integramod boards. Works very well with ImPortal as well with a couple changes to the install.
With this mod, You can take a stand alone mod and make it work within your phpbb and it uses sessions and your current template in use instead of being a standalone page.