I think that Helters true story will do more good than any harsh words can do...
The truth is that these rules are only set to protect the users from stupidly getting themselves in to trouble...
Everyone seems to be getting in a state of defence when these rules are broken, but that's not exactly the right approach...
It's a wrong signal... some people might start thinking that it's only to protect us, not them...but that's not it...it's the other way around...
There will always be people who break rules, some even like doing so, it's so exciting, especially if nobody can find out about it anyway...
For some people, that last part is too boring, so they start playing with the rulekeepers...for them, it's only a game and there can never be enough excitement...
Some people just don't like to be dictated what to do...(He Mr. know-it-all, I will show you...I do what I like!!!)
Forbidden fruit...they will always be eaten...
But if you just tell everyone why it is forbidden (poisson)...oh man, nobody (exept the suicidal ones) will even try...
We can never do better than give as much advice as possible...and always try to give that as clear as possible...
Anyone not following that advise, would have to know what they can expect...
We can't stop everyone from that, but they will have to face the consequences on their own... It just isn't our problem...
Then all they can do, is start all over again...they have done it to themselves and can't blame anyone else...
Unfortunatly all this is none of my business, in fact, it's not my business at all ...
I'm just a busdriver