Author: ZacFields » Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:53 am
This is totally off-subject...kinda.
But I think we should have a rating system for the ports that people make for the themes. I had SmartDark for IM 1.3.2d (I think that was the last version before 1.4.0) and it was pretty good, but when I upgraded to 1.4.0 and found the smartDark port for 1.4.0 it was horrible! I'm still using it just because I don't wanna mess around with customizing another theme if I'm just going to upgrade to 1.4.1 soon.
The problem with it is that the new topic and post reply buttons are roughly 2x larger than they were supposed to be, and the images for new topic and all that are actually different sizesfor some reason (exe: the image for no new posts and image for new posts are somehow different sizes)
It's just little stuff that can be fixed, though. Nothing super important. I'm surprised nobody mentioned it in the post for that theme so that it could be fixed.
Last edited by ZacFields on Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.