static pages?

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static pages?

PostAuthor: dropstarz » Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:00 pm

i have been searching for a good SEO mod for 141 and come up empty, i really don't understand why there hasn't been a mod developed that will create static html pages from forum posts. If there is one and iam missing it plz inform me. If not is it possible to get this done?

best regards,
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Re: static pages?

PostAuthor: obiku » Thu Mar 27, 2008 7:06 am

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Re: static pages?

PostAuthor: dropstarz » Thu Mar 27, 2008 8:27 am

i beilve that is the same one i have tried before its not compatible with 141 ALOT of the code that is says to replace and such isn't even there. So this is not a solution for a fully SEO mod for 141 interga.
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Re: static pages?

PostAuthor: obiku » Thu Mar 27, 2008 9:35 am

I think you will nowhere find a MOD what will integrated easy. You always have to change the code for integramod.
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Re: static pages?

PostAuthor: dropstarz » Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:07 pm

true, but i can imagin that seo is a hot topic so why not make a complete SEO mod just for integra, just seems to make sense to me <img>
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Re: static pages?

PostAuthor: Helter » Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:04 am

have you looked here?

Integramod3 will have SEO built in. here are the stats for it

* phpBB SEO mod rewrites

This mod will allow you to choose among the following URL rewriting standards in IntegraMOD/ACP :

* Advanced phpBB3 SEO mod rewrite
Advanced URL rewriting for phpBB3 URLs, injecting forums and topic titles in their URLs, each URL being rewritten once, no matter the number of links using it on the page.
The mod will allow you to dissociate forum titles from their URLs, you will be able to choose the keywords used in your forums URLs using a friendly interface.
The Advanced mod is the "harder" to deal with, it implies a good topic title moderation to really be better than the Mixed one.
This feature requires running Apache server with mod_rewrite module loaded, or IIS server running isapi_rewrite.

* Mixed phpBB3 SEO mod rewrite
Mixed URL rewriting for phpBB3 URLs, injecting forums titles in their URLs but keeping a static rewriting for topics.
Each URL is rewritten once, no matter the number of links using it on the page.
The mod will allow you to dissociate forum titles from their URLs, you will be able to choose the keywords used in your forums URLs using a friendly interface.
The Mixed mod is recommended in most cases, the better easy to deal with / SEO performance ratio of the three standards.
This feature requires running Apache server with mod_rewrite module loaded, or IIS server running isapi_rewrite.

* Simple phpBB3 SEO mod rewrite
Simple URL rewriting for phpBB3 URLs, static URL rewriting.
Each URL is rewritten once, no matter the number of links using it on the page.
It's the simplest one, recommended for 100% non Latin char-set forums.
This feature requires running Apache server with mod_rewrite module loaded, or IIS server running isapi_rewrite.

* phpBB3 SEO Zero duplicate
This feature will HTTP 301 redirect almost (100% in strict mode) all possible dupes in phpBB forums.
It's simple and efficient. It does not add any SQL Query.
Please note :
It is very important that you make sure the proper headers are sent.
Please read the release thread to learn how to perform the check.
Example : ... t1220.html

* phpBB3 SEO No duplicate
This feature will get rid of post URLs on phpBB3 Index, forums, and topics and use topic url instead, for the same purpose, but without duplicates.
Post URLs will now be composed of the topic URL they are posted in, on the correct page, with the html anchor #pxx as a suffix.
It does not add any SQL, just a LEFT JOIN on a query already being performed, this could still mean a bit more work but should not be a problem for server load.
You can turn it on / off in phpBB's ACP.

* phpBB3 SEO Dynamic Meta tags
This feature will add dynamic meta tags build out with the ending page's content.
It's simple and efficient. It will add specific meta tags to forums and the index without adding any SQL Query.
A single SQL query is added in viewtopic.php, to grab the first post's most used words. This allow for a better overall relevancy of meta keywords.
The first post of every topic pages is used to build the meta de.scription. BBcodes tags are stripped off as well as smilies.

* phpBB3 SEO Optimal titles
This mod will optimize phpBB pages titles.
By Default, page titles contain many useless information, such as "View Forum" or "View topic".
This mod will better target words to use in titles, using topics, and forums titles.
In addition, this mod will add the page's number in page title, which allow for a lot better pagination indexing. As two pages with the same title are hard to keep in SEPRS.
All this without any SQL queries.
Results talks :
Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 6, Page 7, Page 8, Page 9, Page 10, Page 11, Page 12, Page 13, Page 14, Page 15, Page 16, Page 17, Page 18, Page 19, Page 20, Page 21, Page 22 ...

A must, whatever your SEO strategy.

* robots.txt
A sample robots.txt is provided in the package to make sure no useless content is taken into account by the Search Engines.

* Extra
Profile links are desactivated for guests and thus bots.

Last edited by Helter on Wed Dec 31, 1969 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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