It would seem that Wekke has removed the link that gives information direct to the ACP index. This is the block next to the phpbb version block and allows a quite direct way to deliver news to IntegraMOD administrators.
We have decided to help replace this so that you can get up to date information through instead of having an out of date block.
To update your code open forum root/admin/index.php
- Code: Select all
////////////////// // Check for news from integramod $errno = 0; $errstr = $news = ''; if ($fsock = @fsockopen('', 80, $errno, $errstr)) { @fputs($fsock, "GET /home/updateNews/news.txt HTTP/1.1rn"); @fputs($fsock, "HOST]http]rn"); @fputs($fsock, "Connection: closernrn"); $get_info = false; while (!@feof($fsock)) { if ($get_info) { $news .= @fread($fsock, 1024); } else { if (@fgets($fsock, 1024) == "rn") { $get_info = true; } } } @fclose($fsock); } else { if ($errstr) { $news = '<p>' . sprintf($lang['Connect_socket_error_integra'], $errstr) . '</p>'; } else { $news = '<p>' . $lang['Socket_functions_disabled'] . '</p>'; } }////////////////////////
- Code: Select all
////////////////// // Check for news from integramod $errno = 0; $errstr = $news = ''; if ($fsock = @fsockopen('', 80, $errno, $errstr)) { @fputs($fsock, "GET /forum/updateNews/news.txt HTTP/1.1rn"); @fputs($fsock, "HOST][/url]rn"); @fputs($fsock, "Connection: closernrn"); $get_info = false; while (!@feof($fsock)) { if ($get_info) { $news .= @fread($fsock, 1024); } else { if (@fgets($fsock, 1024) == "rn") { $get_info = true; } } } @fclose($fsock); } else { if ($errstr) { $news = '<p>' . sprintf($lang['Connect_socket_error_integra'], $errstr) . '</p>'; } else { $news = '<p>' . $lang['Socket_functions_disabled'] . '</p>'; } }////////////////////////
Once you have done this you should instantly see the information come through on you ACP.