Hyper Alert CrackerTracker

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Hyper Alert CrackerTracker

PostAuthor: mmssix » Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:01 pm

Hey guys, question..
Just installed Integra and I'm in the process of getting it configured when I discovered that anytime I use a ' , ", or comma anywhere on the board I get denied by crackertracker. When I say anywhere I mean anywhere, it throws errors when I try to create topics, album titles, albums, descriptions, literally everywhere. Any way to get it to tone down a bit?

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Re: Hyper Alert CrackerTracker

PostAuthor: viragotech » Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:42 pm

"mmssix" wrote:Hey guys, question..
Just installed Integra and I'm in the process of getting it configured when I discovered that anytime I use a ' , ", or comma anywhere on the board I get denied by crackertracker. When I say anywhere I mean anywhere, it throws errors when I try to create topics, album titles, albums, descriptions, literally everywhere. Any way to get it to tone down a bit?

Is debug on?

Have you checked your Debug Entries in the CrackerTracker logmanager in the ACP?

I can tell you that at first you will hate CrackerTracker, and want to kill it, die die die, then once you get it trained to stop poopin on the rug.
Its works wonders.

Have ya gone through this thread yet?

http://www.integramod.com/forum/viewtop ... =18&t=2689
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Re: Hyper Alert CrackerTracker

PostAuthor: mmssix » Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:07 pm

Well I figured since those things had been posted back in 2007 that they had been integrated by 2011. Am I wrong, do I need to manually edit those files? And even after reading through the thread I didn't see that anyone had the same problem as me. I'm getting this behavior over the whole board, including in the admin portal.

Also, where is this debug setting to which you refer, I cant find it anywhere in the ctracker settings?


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Re: Hyper Alert CrackerTracker

PostAuthor: viragotech » Sat Mar 26, 2011 4:31 am

"mmssix" wrote:Well I figured since those things had been posted back in 2007 that they had been integrated by 2011. Am I wrong, do I need to manually edit those files? And even after reading through the thread I didn't see that anyone had the same problem as me. I'm getting this behavior over the whole board, including in the admin portal.

Also, where is this debug setting to which you refer, I cant find it anywhere in the ctracker settings?


Work your way backwards through that link/thread, debug info is in there on the last page.

its a special settings ya don't wanna have on all the time.

And id say no, CT stuff is not something that can be changed in the install. Each person will probably have a different experience. And you will need to adjust CT as needed.

You may have false pos come up or not that others did or didn't.
It was some work with an active forum and you may find some of my post that looks more like a rant but once you get it down its nice having it.

Though don't ask me details, I forget stuff easily.
I dmoke to much sope <img>

Once debug is on, do what ya did before to cause an error and it will give ya a suggestion to fix.
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Re: Hyper Alert CrackerTracker

PostAuthor: DjPorkchop » Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:26 am

I think some of the fixes have been added in as time went by. And it is not so much fixes as it is teaching CTracker what is ok and what is not.

As was suggested, if you are getting False positives, the best thing to do is work your way through the Cracker Tracker False Positives thread and try each fix manually and see what happens. When attempting this, you may still get the pink error screen. By no means worry. where the code says medium, just insert LOW instead of MEDIUM. That normally does the trick.

It is a PITA to say the least, but well worth the trouble once all is said and done.
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